Friday, July 15, 2011

Dropping by

Frequent visitors to our garden are the colourful and raucous rainbow lorikeets.
Quite a large group arrived to tuck in to some sunflower seeds.

A bit of squabbling over getting a spot on the feeder.

Coral tree flowers are a favourite source of nectar for the rainbow lorikeets too.
We have several of these large trees in our yard adding a splash of red amongst the (almost) bare winter branches.
Hope you enjoyed today's post,
Sandi x
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Dan said...

Nice to see your back posting again. If I recall, you were experiencing some technical difficulties some time ago.

Your photos are simply wonderful as are the birds, butterflies, and bugs. So much variety from your part of the world.

Thank you for sharing; and please keep on 'poking it with a stick'.


Explore. Dream. Discover.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I want a Lorikeet!

Lynne said...

What a wide variety of wildlife you have in your part of the world, so colourful too.