Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Plane In My Garden

It's always lovely to see butterflies visiting our garden.
Here are a couple of recent visitors. The top one is a 'White Banded Plane' butterfly. They get their name by the way they glide around (like a plane).

This next one is a female 'Orchard Swallowtail' butterfly.
Their caterpillars feed on citrus leaves - they are welcome in our orchard (they don't eat much anyway).
One of the largest butterflies to grace Queensland gardens.

Cheerio for now,
I hope you've enjoyed looking at today's post.

Sandi xXx

1 comment:

Jennifer Rose said...

i'm going to have to keep my eyes open for butterflies here, don't see them a lot :/

really like the splash of colour on the swallowtail