Thursday, November 24, 2011

A little Crabby

Walking along Currimundi beach one morning, we came across this little fellow.
Look at those amazing eyes!

It is a stalk-eyed ghost crab.

Look out will grab your nose!

Sandi x
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

A little Longicorn

What a cute little face, can you guess what it is?

.......A longicorn beetle.
Cute little fella isn't he?

I love the camouflage colouring on this beetle.

......and the long antennae.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Dropping by

Frequent visitors to our garden are the colourful and raucous rainbow lorikeets.
Quite a large group arrived to tuck in to some sunflower seeds.

A bit of squabbling over getting a spot on the feeder.

Coral tree flowers are a favourite source of nectar for the rainbow lorikeets too.
We have several of these large trees in our yard adding a splash of red amongst the (almost) bare winter branches.
Hope you enjoyed today's post,
Sandi x
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Evening Brown

The 'Evening Brown' butterfly is cunningly disguised as a leaf.
Resting during the day on the ground with it's wings folded makes it difficult to detect......until you walk nearby. The startled butterfly will often land not too far from where it was sitting.......making a great game of hide and seek.

You can catch a glimpse of the beautiful outer wing colours above.
My book says,
'The Evening Brown does not visit flowers, but sucks juice from fermenting fruit'.
Mmm......I wonder if some of that juice is alcholic? Perhaps it is having fruit cocktails in the evening....


Sandi x

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Monday, July 11, 2011

A Beautiful Beetle

How gorgeous is this little jewel of a beetle?
Shining in the sun like an irridescent christmas decoration.

I could not find the name of this one.
**Edited 17-2-14   I now know this beetle's name - (very rare apparently)
it is Spilopyra sumptuosa
a chrysomelid beetle.
Its host is the tuckeroo tree.

It was tricky taking a photo as it was a very busy beetle not wanting to stay still.

You can see that the beetle is quite tiny compared to the size of my fingers.
I am very lucky to have such treasures living in my backyard.
Until next time,
keep your eyes out, you may just find your own tiny treasure,

Sandi x

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Purple Swamphens

Regular visitors to our garden are the Purple Swamphens.
They particularly love to stop off on their way through our yard to have a dip in the birdbath.

In sunlight, their plumage shines with an intense blue sheen.

......doing a little dance

Another one joins in for a dip.
I just love watching the antics of these colourful birds.

Sandi x
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wattle Pigs

One of my favourite little bugs are the 'Wattle Pigs'. It is a type of weevil (Leptopius).
As it's name suggest these guys feed on our native wattle tree leaves.

A kid friendly bug that doesn't bite and is fairly slow moving.

Wattle pigs have a bumpy hard shell covering their wings.

........and are well camouflaged to blend in with their surroundings.
Keep your eyes peeled, you never know what you may find in your garden.......
Happy bug hunting,
Sandi x

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Curious Caterpillar

Look at all those long hairs covering this little caterpillar.
It was quite a sight walking along.
** now identifed as the caterpillar of the  Lichen Moth Cyana meyricki  courtesy of Don Herbison-Evans from the Coffs Harbour Butterfly House.

Sometime later.........
Aha! That's what all those long hairs are for -
 to weave a protective shelter whilst it is pupating.
So neatly built.
What a clever little thing!

Sandi x

**Edited 24th June to add this photo
Photographer Dr David Britton, Australian Museum

This is what the little hairy caterpillar turns into!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's not easy being green

Having a cuppa on the verandah, I noticed a frog (trying to be inconspicuous) hiding amongst the agapanthus leaves.(photo taken in april) This little beauty is a 'Graceful Treefrog'.

It is amazing how they cling to the leaves with their padded toes.

I love the way they sit with their legs all neatly folded in.

Can you see Mr Roo in the background? He is quite used to me running off to get the camera to photograph the wildlife for the blog.......

Cheerio for now,
Sandi x
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Monday, June 20, 2011

It arrived with the wood

A big centipede came with our load of  winter wood.
Luckily we were wearing gloves at the time. These guys can give you a nasty bite. In the photo above, the head end is on the left.

Here it is heading for the safety of the wood stack. Hope we don't see it again!

We have had some brilliant winter weather these last few days.
Lovely sunny days and cool, cool nights - just perfect for sitting by the fire in the evenings (with wine glass in hand).
Sandi x
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Disappearing photos

Don't know what seems to be happening with the photos. The post looks ok when it is put up, but next day, half the photos are missing???!!! It's very frustrating. Hope this problems sorts itself out soon.
Cheerio for now,
Sandi x

Friday, March 25, 2011

Buzzy Beez

A frequent visitor to our gardens are the native 'blue banded' bees. They are slightly bigger and fatter than a honeybee. These bees are attracted to blue flowers. The flower featured here is a hedgehog sage.

This one (above) is sipping nectar from a mauve plectranthus flower.

Blue banded bees are capable of buzz-pollination, which is a method they use to vibrate the pollen from flowers. Industry is trialling them as pollinators for tomatoes in greenhouses.

It's nice to see these bees bumbling about in the garden.

Sandi x
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lovely Ladybirds

Some ladybird beetles for you today.
The first one is a 'tortoise shell', or 'netty' ladybird.
Isn't it's shell glossy - just like is has been polished.
The '28 spotted Potato Ladybird Beetle'. Sometimes an agricultural pest - as it eats potato (and other solanum species) plant leaves. I usually leave them if I see them on my potato plants. They can chew the leaves - I'll have the potaotes!

A 'Fungus-eating Ladybird beetle'.

And lastly, this unidentified one.....lovely!
You might just see one in your garden.....

Sandi x
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